
Turning Tide

Jonas Burkhalter, Claudia Kübler, Sara Masüger

Oct 26, 2024–Jan 5, 2025
@Kunsthaus Zug

Turning Tide signifies a tipping point: When the tide turns, the water flows in the opposite direction. The exhibition Turning Tide presents three artists who all have a connection to the region of Zug: Jonas Burkhalter (*1983, Zug), Claudia Kübler (*1983, Zurich) and Sara Masüger (*1978, Baar). Despite their different approaches, they are united by an interest in situations in which perception switches or is subjected to an irritant. They play with the fragmentary, the fragile and unstable and create surprising new constellations in different media. The unusual thematisation of body, time and space in these artists’ oeuvres challenges the viewers’ imagination.

Sara Masüger's works refer to inner states. The artist combines her interest in the human body with the question of the materiality of sculptures and their relationship to space. She combines familiar elements such as faces or hands with unfamiliar forms, creating a sense of alienation. Claudia Kübler's material is time. She approaches the fourth dimension in various media. What are our notions of time and and when do they get out of joint? Inspired by deep geological time, she also searches for concepts beyond linearity. Jonas Burkhalter explores complex, natural systems across different media or picks up on surprising everyday moments. In "Dream", for example, a Japanese bed frame is transformed into a kind of raft that evokes an indeterminate feeling of floating and swaying.

These irritations can be read as a sign of our times. Swaying realities, fragmentary bodies and clocks out of sync are not only disconcerting. In a subtle way, these three artists succeed in questioning a rapidly shifting present.

Curated by

Jana Bruggmann

This exhibtion is generously supported by:

Landis & Gyr Stiftung Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich Annemarie und Eugen Hotz-Stiftung Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung Kulturförderung Graubünden, Amt für Kultur/Swisslos Einwohnergemeinde Baar Casimir Eigensatz Stiftung Dr. Georg und Josi Guggenheim Stiftung